Certified Beer Server FAQ

I’ve received some questions about what the Certified Beer Server exam is, who administers the exam, and how to take the exam. So here’s a quick post to cover some of those points all in one place.

What is the Certified Beer Server exam?

The Certified Beer Server exam is the way the Cicerone® Certification Program tests knowledge and expertise for excellent beer service. A person who passes the exam is called a Certified Beer Server.

What is a Certified Beer Sever?

A Certified Beer Server is someone who has been certified as having excellent knowledge and expertise in beer service.

Who administers Certified Beer Server exam?

The Cicerone® Certification Program administers the Certified Beer Server exam on their website: cicerone.org.

Where do I go to take the Certified Beer Server exam?

The Certified Beer Server exam is administered online at: cicerone.org.

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How much does it cost to take the Certified Beer Server exam?

It costs $69 to take the Certified Beer Server exam.

How many tries do I get to pass the Certified Beer Server exam?

You get 2 attempts to pass the Certified Beer Server exam. If you don’t pass it on the second try, you can pay again. So be sure to use all my free study notes and flashcards on this website to pass the heck out of the Certified Beer Server exam the first time.

How many questions are on the Certified Beer Server exam?

The Certified Beer Server exam is a 60 question, multiple choice exam.

What is the time limit on taking the Certified Beer Server exam?

You’ll have 30 minutes to get through all 60 questions in the Certified Beer Server exam. So there’s no time to look up answers or use any other resources. You’re not allowed to, anyway. So study hard and pass the first time.

What do I get after passing the Certified Beer Server exam?

After you pass the Certified Beer Server exam, you’ll be able to call yourself a Certified Beer Server and put it on your resume. The Cicerone® Certification Program will email mail you a certificate that you can print and they will mail a lapel pin to wear with pride. They’ll also publish your name on their website, so any prospective employer can verify that you are a Certified Beer Server.

Who should take the Certified Beer Server exam?

The Certified Beer Server exam is helpful for anyone who wants a job in craft beer or anywhere in the alcoholic beverage industry. It is also good if you want to learn more about craft beer or if you just want bragging rights!

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Why would I want to take the Certified Beer Server exam?

More and more breweries, distributors, and even retail outlets are requiring their staff to become Certified Beer Servers. Having this certification will help you get that job you want in craft beer or anywhere in the alcoholic beverage industry.

After taking the Certified Beer Server exam, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. You will know more about the history of beer, how to savor a beer, craft beers from the world, and how to provide excellent beer service.

What’s the easiest and best way to pass the heck out of the Certified Beer Server exam on the first try?

Use my free study notes and flashcards on this website for the easiest and best way to pass the heck out of the Certified Beer Server exam the first time!

Start with the table of contents here.

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    I'm Nathan Pierce. I drink beer, I quit my job, and I'm planning to start a brewery. I also host a podcast about how to start a brewery. So I’m studying for Cicerone® Certification Program, Certified Beer Server exam.

    Study along with me!

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