Time to get to work

One of the reasons I started this site was to motivate me by accountability to finish this exam! Yes, WordPress has given me quite a beating this past year. Nonetheless, here it is, 8 months after my first post on Beer Exam School, 3 months since I really started studying, and I have a long ways to go. But I got a job at a brewery!


Manchester Central Library, March 2010 by Ricardo on flickr

Manchester Central Library, March 2010 by Ricardo on flickr (CC BY 2.0)

I’ve already been busy

It’s not like I’ve been slacking off. I keep pretty busy with MicroBrewr and, well, pretty much just MicroBrewr Podcast and the website.

The line between hobby and work is kind of blurry. I call it research toward one day starting a brewery of my own. It’s been occupying more than full-time hours for several months. Yet it doesn’t pay the bills.

I got a job

I got a letter from the landlord saying to get out ‘cause he was selling the place. I doubled-down on job applications. I did have help from my girlfriend. But when I saw a still-unopened brewery in her neighborhood in the San Francisco East Bay, I pestered them. And it paid off.

I am very stoked.

I mean, maybe I shouldn’t say anything until I actually sign my W-4 and whatnot.* But I will say it was the one job that I wanted.

Certified Beer Server helped me

After sending messages on Facebook, emailing my resume, snail-mailing my resume, stopping by the site several times—although it was mostly empty—emailing my resume again, more Facebook stalking… You get the idea…

I got a phone interview. Then an in-person interview. And the job offer!

My boss-to-be did say he likes that I am already studying for the Certified Beer Server exam. And he said all employees will need to pass the exam within 90 days of being hired.

So I better get to work on this!

Time to get to work

I am still committed to finishing my study notes on this site, well, because I’m that way. And because I want to help others.

Even though it’s just a 60-queston online exam, and some people tell me that I could probably pass it right now, that’s not good enough for me.

First, the syllabus intimidates me.

Second, I don’t want to just pass with the 75% minimum just to have the certificate. I want to ace that exam. I want to really know the material.

Last, it has been pretty hectic pulling together all of the study resources. The Cicerone® Certification Program lists study resources and recommended reading—and it’s scattered all over the place.

If I can bring it all together in one place and help others, rawk on!

And I gotta do it within 90 days of being hired…

* UPDATE: Yeah, I shouldn’t have spoken until I had received the written notice that California law requires when an employee is hired. After 3 half-shifts over about one month, my supervisor cut off communications. When I kept asking about the work schedule, pay dates, and other things, you know, required by law, they said “it’s not a good fit” and “it’s not working out.” They gave me a check for my hours worked, no withholdings.

Nonetheless, I’m carrying on! I have applied for several positions for which Certified Beer Server certification is required or “highly recommended.” It seems like “currently studying for” isn’t good enough. Gotta get this done. Let’s go!!!

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    I'm Nathan Pierce. I drink beer, I quit my job, and I'm planning to start a brewery. I also host a podcast about how to start a brewery. So I’m studying for Cicerone® Certification Program, Certified Beer Server exam.

    Study along with me!

    Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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